Product Category Rules

Allowing for Environmental Products Declarations

PCRs allow for the publication of verifiable Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Notably, sustainability guidelines and green certification programs are giving preferential treatment to products with verified EPDs. 
ACA conceived and shepherded three PCRs for the coatings industry, facilitated by NSF International, a third-party developer of public health standards and certification programs: PCR for Architectural Coatings; PCR for Resinous Floor Coatings; and PCR for Powder Coatings. All three PCRs are available for free download.

About ACA’s PCRs

Utility of a PCR

The utility of the PCR for Architectural Coatings is timely and considerable, since decision makers are increasingly considering information about the life-cycle impacts of products when selecting which products they choose to sell, specify, or use. Retailers, standard-setting bodies, and consumers are requiring information or giving favorable status to products and brands able to describe their life-cycle impacts and benefits.

Sustainability guidelines and green certification programs are also giving preferential treatment to products with verified EPDs. The newest version of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system rewards construction projects for using materials for which an EPD is provided, and other green building schemes relied on by the federal government are following suit.

Those are but two examples of the growing importance and demand for EPDs, but consider too, that LCA results can be used to demonstrate performance attributes of products, including durability. LCA also provides paint and coating manufacturers with the opportunity to exhibit improvements in resource efficiency across the supply chain.

PCR for Architectural Coatings

The PCR for Architectural Coatings, facilitated by NSF International, is available for free download. This PCR includes all life-cycle phases in order to obtain the raw materials, manufacture, transport, use, and dispose of architectural coating products for interior or exterior applications. Colorants are added to the architectural coating bases at the point of sale based on the consumer’s specific color preferences and are included in the scope. Notably, the scope excludes adhesives and coatings solely for shop applications, original equipment manufacturing, or es adhesives and coatings solely for shop applications, original equipment manufacturing, or application to non-stationary structures, such as vehicles, airplanes, ships, boats, and railcars.

PCR for Resinous Floor Coatings

The PCR for Resinous Floor Coatings, facilitated by NSF International, is available for free download. This PCR includes all life-cycle phases in order to obtain the raw materials, manufacture, transport, use, and disposal of resinous floor coating products for interior applications. The definition of a resinous floor coating is defined generally as a coating for field application that is poured and/or formed in place to protect and enhance horizontal substrates such as concrete, metal, and wood. Note: this PCR does not include coatings that fall under the PCR for Architectural Coatings including wood stains.

PCR for Powder Coatings

The PCR for Powder Coatings, facilitated by NSF International, is available for free download. This PCR includes the life cycle phases in order to obtain the raw materials and manufacture powder coating products for interior and exterior applications. The definition of a powder coating for this PCR is defined as “a 100% solids coating applied as a dry powder which, when baked at a sufficient temperature, melts out to form a continuous film.” Powder coatings can be further classified by two subcategories: single-layer systems; and multiple-layer systems. Notably, the scope excludes coatings which may be used on similar substrates but are not 100% solids, and does not include coatings that fall under ACA’s PCR for Architectural Coatings.

About NSF International

Manufacturers, regulators and consumers work with NSF International for the development of public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world’s food, water, consumer products and environment. NSF’s mission is to protect and improve global human health. As an independent, accredited organization, NSF’s standards group facilitates the development of standards, and its service groups test and certify products and systems. Recognized by regulatory agencies at the local, state, federal and international level, NSF certification demonstrates that a product complies with all standard requirements. 

PCR for Architectural Coatings

The scope of this PCR includes the following: concrete curing, sealing, & protective coatings; general exterior and interior coatings; select floor coatings; primers, sealers, and undercoaters; and wood coatings.

PCR for Resinous Floor Coatings

The scope of coatings covered by this PCR is defined as a fluid-applied and poured/formed in place and cured material coating used to protect and enhance horizontal substrates such as concrete, metal, and wood from foot traffic.

PCR for Powder Coatings

The definition of a powder coating for this PCR is defined as “a 100% solids coating applied as a dry powder which, when baked at a sufficient temperature, melts out to form a continuous film;” further classified in two subcategories: single-layer systems, and multiple-layer systems.

For More Information

Contact ACA’s Annebelle Klein at