Journal of Coatings Technology and Research

Open Access Highlights

JCTR has more than 75 open access articles available to JCTR non-subscribers. View a selection below, or click here to explore the open access article archive.

Next-generation urea resins: formaldehyde-free coating materials based on higher aldehydes and amides
Limonene as biobased building block for functional monoterpene acrylate monomers
Site-specific weathering of coatings: I. Accelerated protocol for temperate climate in Central Europe and numerical simulations
Site-specific weathering of coatings: II. Comparison of natural weathering and accelerated protocols for Central Europe and Florida
Detection of production relevant deviations in paint sprays

ACA Member Access: JCTR Current Issue & Archive (you must be logged into ACA website to view/click this access link)


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Manuscript Submissions

JCTR  is published by Springer under license from, and in cooperation with, the American Coatings Association. CLICK HERE FOR SUBMISSION GUIDELINES.

The following classes of papers are invited for submission:

RESEARCH papers describing original fundamental and applied investigations of the chemistry, physics, materials science, and related engineering studies relevant to surface coatings;

APPLICATIONS papers emphasizing the use of experimental methods for the solution of significant technological problems in the design, formulation, manufacture, application, use, and performance of surface coatings;

REVIEW articles providing broad, critical overviews of current and emerging advances in coatings science; and

BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS for publication of significant original research results of limited scope (notes) or of immediate importance and impact (letters).

Authors submitting review articles or brief communications should designate them as such in a cover letter. Papers in which proprietary products or processes are promoted for commercial purposes are specifically not acceptable for publication in JCTR. Please consult the ACA Editorial Offices for further information on submissions for the member journals.

Bonus Journals

As part of the partnership with Springer Science+Business Media LLC, ACA provides enhanced benefits to members, including free access to valuable coatings and materials science publications alongside JCTR. 

ACA members and subscribers must be logged in to view the access links to these four journals.

The journal Rheologica Acta advances the science of fluid or solid rheology.

Colloid and Polymer Science publishes significant advances in colloid and polymer science.

The Journal of Applied Electrochemistry is the leading journal on technologically orientated aspects of electrochemistry. 

The Journal of Materials Science  publishes papers that report significant original research results on, or techniques for studying, the relationships between structure, processing, properties, and performance of materials. 

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mark E. Nichols, Ford Motor Company, USA

Managing Editor: Dr. Hannah Rogers, American Coatings Association, USA

Technical Editors:

Dr. Douglas Berry, Retired, USA
Dr. Alan Ekin, Covestro LLC, USA
Dr. Charles R. Hegedus, Consultant, USA
Mr. Graham A. Howarth, Arropol Chemicals, USA
Dr. Gary R. Larson, Consultant, USA
Dr. Theodore Provder, Polymers and Coatings Consultants, USA
Dr. Jill E. Seebergh, The Boeing Company, USA

Editorial Review Board:

Dr. Maqsood S. Ahmed, Allnex, USA
Prof. Jamil Baghdachi, Eastern Michigan University, USA
Prof. Hadj Benkreira, University of Bradford, UK
Prof. Stuart G. Croll, North Dakota State University, USA
Dr. Colin Cwalina, The Dow Chemical Company, USA
Dr. Bernard S. W. Dawson, Scion, New Zealand
Prof. Flavio Deflorian, Università di Trento, Italy
Dr. Michael Diebold, The Chemours Company, USA
Dr. Richard Eley, Consultant, USA
Dr. Ray Fernando, California Polytechnic State University, USA
Dr. Xiaobo Gong, PPG Industries, USA
Dr. Umesh Harkal, Henkel Corporation, India
Dr. Dariush Hosseinpour, Proctor & Gamble, USA
Prof. Mats Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Dr. Ravi G. Joshi, Munzing North America LP, USA
Dr. Søren Kiil, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Dr. Matjaz Kunaver, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia
Dr. Wah Sing Loh, Retired, Singapore
Dr. Brian Makowski, Sherwin Williams, USA
Prof. Vinod C. Malshe, Consultant, India
Prof. W. Marshall Ming, Georgia Southern University, USA
Prof. Vijaykumar Minnari, Eastern Michigan University, USA
Dr. Brian Okerberg, PPG Industries, USA
Prof. Alexander A. Pud, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Prof. Bernard Riedl, Université Laval, Canada
Mr. Erik Sapper, California Polytechnic State University, USA
Dr. Christopher Seubert, Ford Motor Company, USA
Dr. Subrahmanya Shreepathi, Asian Paints, India
Prof. Jaromir Snuparek, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Prof. Mark Soucek, Unviversity of Akron, USA
Dr. Li-piin Sung, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Prof. Serkan Ünal, Sabancı University, Turkey
Prof. Nurseli Uyanik, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Dr. Mitchell A. Winnik, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Qiaolong Yuan, East China University of Science & Technology, People’s Republic of China
Dr. Maria Zielecka, Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection — National Research Institute, Poland
Dr. Peter Zarras, NAWCWD, USA

Publication Facts

Impact Factor for 2023: 2.3
Five-year Impact Factor: 2.4
Articles Downloaded in 2023: 314,686
Print ISSN: 1547-0091
Online ISSN: 1935-3804

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