
Phone vs. Water

New nano-coatings can offer water and liquid damage protection for electronic and mobile devices. This new technology creates a thin, impenetrable layer of protection that guards electronics not only against drips and splashes, but from full submersion. Through a proprietary vapor deposition process, the protective nano-coating is applied in a vacuum chamber and works from the inside out to shield even the most intricate parts of electronic devices. It forms a seamless barrier that is invisible to the naked eye and 100 times the thickness of traditional plasma coatings.

Source: Courtesy of HZO

Anti-Icing Power Lines

Anti-icing coatings applied to power transmission lines and cables help prevent and mitigate the build-up of ice on these critical communications components.

Source: NEI Corporation

Protecting Communication Infrastructure

Special coatings used for communications instillations, satellite dishes, and radar housing domes (radomes), are designed to resist corrosion, abrasion, chemicals and impact, and to be self-cleaning in most environments. They function to prevent water film from building up and hindering signals. Interestingly, these coatings are applied in a range of climates, from deserts to the Arctic.

Source: Precision Coatings

Coatings on Everyday Devices

Transparent, conductive coatings used on electronics, including cellphones and tablets, create a film integral to making usable the touch-screens so entrenched in our lives, enabling excellent sensor-conductivity function and optical performance.

Source: Cambrios Technologies

Coatings for Fiber Optics

Optical fiber coatings make telephone and internet technology possible by protecting the glass fibers that transmit telecommunications signals. Such technology allows an estimated 3.9 million people to telecommute, reducing gasoline consumption by 840 million gallons and CO2 emissions by almost 14 million tons.

Source: Schmid, S.R., DSM DesoTech Fiber Optic Materials, and The Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact of Telecommuting and e-Commerce, conducted by TIAX